This is amazingly well designed, aesthetically I couldnt look away from the screen - good job :)
This is amazingly well designed, aesthetically I couldnt look away from the screen - good job :)
Then *ad* you *ad* will *ad* love *ad* this *ad* game. *ad* Deleted.
Sorry wrote it on the wrong spot Ps its fun
Ads. Ads everywhere! Deleted. Seemed like a fun game too.
Great gameplay and design, sadly the frequency of the ads make it absolutely unplayable...deleted.
Now uninstalled, will never reinstall. Itd rather have paid a few bucks and not seen the ads. Way to lose an audience.
Its a fun game but it make you watch an ad all the time though.
A great-looking endless score game. Great controls. If you like these types of games, definitely pick this one up.
You can always count on crescentmoon for making high quality games. This one is no exception. Gameplay is easy to pick up and runs smoothly for my phone. The ads are VERY annoying , however. Whats with the 5 continues? I dont get it at all. Between every time you die you MUST watch a rather long ad for the next game. Id rather not have any interruption, thus, I paid the 1.99 for the ad-free experience. Speaking of which... The 1.99 did NOT remove the ads... Could be a bug but definitely need a fix. I used the restore purchase button and ads still pop up in between games.
Minimize the ads, maybe after 5 losses not each round
In game ads make the game much less enjoyable than it should be. 1-3 rounds while trying to get the hang of the game and Im forced to watch ads. Its rather annoying.
So far im liking it but i did experience a bug which is after and ad finished, it crashes.
After purhcase, the ads were still popping up in the game.
Im barely getting the game And it looks soo cool That I think is one of a favorite of all games That I like HELL YEAH FOR COOl GAMES
If you rage really fast its your risk but it is a really good game. I was just looking for s new game and I find this game so I bought it and played it for a while to get used to the controls. And at about 11:30 I was used to the controls. And naw its my favorite game on my phone. Over all of my favorite games this one makes them look bad.
If I could give this 10 stars I would. This game is great! Its hilarious when people see me play, they are so confused and think Im a god or something
Its like theres a 30 second ad every two games and it makes playing the game MUCH less enjoyable
Not only does it have a cheap candy crush-esque life system, but after every death it forces you to watch a 15-30 second advertisement. You cant even start the game and scratch your eye for one second without immediately dying.
Very high difficulty curve compared to most mobile games, and you are subjected to a video ad after every single loss, and losses will come quick. You dont get a chance to learn how to play without having to sit through ad after ad after ad. Most of my games lasted 10-20 seconds before I died, each death was followed by a 10-20 second ad. Dont waste your time.
I enjoyed playing this ga,enforce 5 minutes till i noticed it saying I have 5 trys left today, at which point I uninstalled the game. There are advertisements every few trys....